When you are building a Zap that starts with a trigger from LeadSimple, you will typically want to pull a test process from LeadSimple to test your Zap.
However, sometimes the specific process or lead you are looking for doesn't appear in your Zap, even when you click "Find New Records".
What to do if you don't see the test you want to use
The important thing to remember here is that Zapier is looking for the specific trigger you are building the Zap for when pulling tests for you. That trigger needs to have occurred right before the test is pulled in Zapier.
The possible triggers are:
Lead changes pipeline
Lead changes stage
Lead changes tags
Lead created
Lead is reassigned
Lead opens email
Process changes stage
Process changes tags
Process created
Process reassigned
Task completed
Task created
If your trigger is Task Completed, Zapier will look for processes and leads that have a recently completed task.
So in that case you should create a test process, complete a task in that process, and then go right into Zapier and pull up the test results. Your test process will appear as one with recently completed tasks. (Note: if your team is completing a lot of tasks at that time, you may need to pull up new examples a couple times.)
The same thing goes with other triggers as well. Change the stage, add the tags, create a new lead/process, complete a specific task, etc.
Note: You can use test processes in LeadSimple as your tests for Zapier - however, note that LeadSimple will pull any processes with a recently completed trigger, and not only test processes.