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Zapier Tutorial: Parse Emails to Trigger Process in LeadSimple
Zapier Tutorial: Parse Emails to Trigger Process in LeadSimple

Want to automatically trigger a process from an email? This will show you how to do it with Zapier 🚀

Written by Tori Bradford
Updated over 3 years ago

First, what is Zapier?

Zapier is a third-party tool that allows you to integrate software together, without any development needed. Create zaps, or defined sets of triggers and actions, to customize your own integrations between software. Learn more in this help article.

Zapier offers a free plan that allows you to build one-step zaps (when this happens in software A, this will happen in software B). Their paid plans allow for more advanced zaps like this one, with multiple steps, including filtering and building multiple paths. For the purposes of this zap, a paid account is required.

Using Our Template

Zapier has the ability to share zap templates so you don't have to build it out from scratch. After signing up for a Zapier account, click this link to copy this zap into your account, where you can then finish setting it up with your LeadSimple and PandaDoc accounts:

Here is an example flow for starting an Application or Work Order Process.

Building your Zap

Here's a quick outline of the process we're going to follow to build this zap today:

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account (if you haven't already)

  2. Create and name your Zap

  3. Add the trigger app, New Email

  4. Chose mailbox and create email template

  5. Add a filter: Only Continue If

  6. Add the connected app, Find Property in LeadSimple

  7. Connect your LeadSimple account

  8. Add action Create Process in LeadSimple

  9. Test & Review

  10. Set your zap live

Step 1:

Create your own Zap and Choose Trigger. You can also use this template.

App & Event: Email Parser by Zapier

Select Trigger: New Email

For this Zap, create a new mailbox. If you haven’t used the email parser before, you will also need to create an account. Click "Connect a New Account." On the screen that pops up, login with Zapier and authorize.

While logged into Zapier's parser, create a new mailbox. Then send an email you want to parse to the email on screen. It should look something like:

Once you have created a new mailbox, you need to create a template for the emails that the template will be receiving. Things that you can parse:

  1. Tenant/Applicant Name

  2. Property Address

  3. Type of Email

  4. Link

  5. Misc. information

To create the template, forward an example email to the email address listed. Click “View Emails.”

In the initial template, highlight the areas that you would like to parse out. Give them simple names that you will use later to search or pull into LeadSimple. (Ex. property street, tenant name).

Once you have highlighted and named all the data you want to parse, return to Zapier to continue connecting software.

You can then connect the mailbox to the trigger. Click continue.

Step 2:

Add your next trigger.

App & Event: Filter by Zapier

Select Trigger: Only Continue If

On the filter add:

  • Email Subject of the parsed email as the source.

  • Use (Text) Contains as the filter with a few words from the subject line (in this case “Work Order”).

    • If you chose (Text) Exact, then your Zap may skip more frequently due to subtle changes of capitalization and spacing.

Step 3:

Now it's time to connect LeadSimple.

App & Event: LeadSimple

Select Trigger: Find Property

When you create this action, you must define a search term for LeadSimple to find. We recommend using only the street address. (If the unit is stated, then we recommend including that as well.) In this case, we will pull the parsed output for “Property Street.”

If nothing is found, we recommend the field as false. If you change it to true, a new property will be created with the information that has been used to search.

Test the search and make sure that it finds the property in your account. (If this is a test, make sure that you create a test property to run this step.)

Once it is successful, click continue and proceed to the next step.

Step 4:

The final step creates the process in LeadSimple.

App & Event: LeadSimple

Select Trigger: Create Process

Add an additional action: Create Process in LeadSimple. Continue through the usual steps of connecting your account until you reach Set Up Action.

At this point, you are creating the process with information from the property and parsed email.

  1. Name: Choose the naming strategy that would make the most sense for your business. For example: “WO: Property Name + Issue” or “Application: Applicant’s Name”

  2. Comments: If you are starting a work order process, include the issue here.

  3. Process Type, Stage, and User: (Required)

  4. Tags: Zapier

  5. Due At: The timeframe that you should be able to complete the process by.

  6. Property: Pull in the ID from the find property step.

  7. Unit: (Optional) If your test has a unit, you can map this here.

  8. Custom Fields: Any custom fields you created can be filled out here. For example, application or WO link.

Once you have mapped all the information, test this action and review.

Turn on your Zap! Congratulations!

Remember you can always make updates to your zap later on as well.

(If you have any trouble setting up this zap or have suggestions for other zaps you would like to see tutorials on, let us know using the chatbox in the right corner or reach out to

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