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4: How to Fill out Fields in Task Instructions

Learn how to fill out fields in task instructions.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over 4 months ago

You will find that some tasks ask you to fill out information about a property, owner, tenant, or process. This might be anything from questions like "Is the owner renewing?" to info about a property such as the utility companies that service that property.

This information will be used in a couple ways later in the process:

  1. It can be pulled into email/text templates automatically so it doesn't have to be entered into the email manually (this might be information like the new rental rate or the move out date)

  2. It can be used to power conditional logic so only the correct tasks appear (ie. if the owner's renewal choice is "not renewing", different tasks will populate than if they were renewing)

  3. It may be info that is needed later in the process, in a different process, or on the dashboard reporting

So, how do you know what info to fill out and how to fill it out? When the instructions need you to fill out a field, it will look like this:

Just click on the blue button above and it will take you to the field, where you can select the correct answer (or fill out the field if it is a date or a number). The field that you clicked on will be highlighted in green.

Make sure you always check the instructions on your tasks to fill out any fields as necessary!

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