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New! Operations Dashboard

Learn how to find and use the Operations Dashboard to pull important metrics about your processes.

Written by Chris Winn
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to the Operations Dashboard, your go-to tool for real-time data on your team's performance and operational efficiency. Dashboard tracks key metrics like process and task completion rates, response times, and occupancy rates—all in one place! This way you can see, in one glance, how your team is performing, identify areas for improvement, and ensure your operations run smoothly.

Watch the Walkthrough of Dashboard from the Launch Webinar here:

If you already have access to LeadSimple Operations, you can easily find the dashboard on the left navigation bar. Click on the "Dashboard" option to open it to instantly identify:

  • Your estimated occupancy rate.

  • Number of processes completed, overdue, and off track.

  • Your top-performing team member based on completed, skipped, and overdue tasks.

  • Your customer service performance metrics, including number of open, unresolved conversations, and average time to resolve.

Service Quality Indicators:

The first section of the Operations Dashboard focuses on Service Quality Indicators, giving you a clear snapshot of critical metrics that directly impact your operational success.

In this section, you have access to four different indicators:

  • Processes Completed on Time: Percentage of processes completed on or before their scheduled due dates. It helps you gauge your team's efficiency in meeting deadlines and ensuring smooth workflow execution.

  • Task Ratio Completion: Percentage of tasks within processes that have been completed compared to those that were skipped or incomplete. This metric is essential for evaluating task management efficiency and identifying potential workflow bottlenecks.

  • First Response Time: Measures the average response time to new inbound communications such as emails, calls, and texts. A lower first response time indicates faster customer service and responsiveness, which is crucial for maintaining high customer satisfaction levels.

  • Occupancy Rate: This metric displays the percentage of currently tenant-occupied units versus vacant. This metric helps assess property utilization so you can plan occupancy strategies effectively.

Process Performance:

The Process Performance section offers a comprehensive table listing all active process types in LeadSimple. ​

For each process type, you can view the following metrics:

  • Name of the Process: Identifies each process type.

  • Number of Active Instances: Displays the total count of active instances of each process type currently being managed.

  • Number of Overdue Instances: Indicates how many instances of the process are past their scheduled completion dates.

  • Number of Off-Track Instances: This indicator highlights instances where progress has deviated significantly from the expected due date or milestones, signaling potential bottlenecks or issues in process execution.

  • Task Completion Percentage: Shows the percentage of tasks within each process type that have been completed relative to the total number of tasks.

  • Percentage of Instances Completed on Time: Measures the proportion of instances completed on or before their scheduled due dates.

➡️ To access detailed information on a process type, simply click on its name. You will be redirected to the page showing all active instances.

Team Performance

The Team Performance section features a detailed table where you can track the performance metrics of individual agents within your team.

Key metrics available:

  1. Total Number of Tasks: This shows your workspace's overall count of tasks.

  2. Total Number of Overdue Tasks: Indicates the total number of tasks past their due dates.

  3. Number of Tasks Due Next Seven Days: Highlights tasks scheduled for completion within the next seven days.

For each team member, you can also monitor the following metrics:

  • Tasks Due: Current tasks that are due for completion.

  • Overdue Tasks: Tasks that have exceeded their scheduled completion dates.

  • Future Tasks: Tasks scheduled for completion beyond the current week.

  • Tasks Completion Percentage: Percentage of tasks completed relative to the total assigned tasks.

  • Percentage of Tasks Skipped: Indicates the proportion of tasks that have been skipped or not completed.

➡️ Click on any team member's name to access a detailed list of their open tasks. This facilitates deeper analysis and supports task management.

Customer Service

The Customer Service section offers a comprehensive view of key metrics related to customer interactions and support handling within the Inbox product.

Key metrics available:

  • Number of New Conversations: Total count of new customer conversations initiated within the selected timeframe.

  • Unresolved Conversations: Shows the number of currently open or unresolved conversations.

  • Unassigned Conversations: Indicates the number of conversations that still need to be assigned to a specific team member.

  • Average Time to Resolve: Average time taken to mark a conversation as "done" or resolved within the Inbox product.

For each team member, you can also monitor the following metrics:

  • Unresolved Conversations: Number of conversations that remain unresolved for each agent.

  • First Time to Response: Average time each team member takes to provide an initial response to new conversations.

  • Average Time to Resolve: Average time each team member takes to resolve or mark conversations as "done."

➡️ Note: To visualize your customer service metrics, you must first subscribe to LeadSimple Inbox

User Permissions for Dashboard

Note that you can give or remove access to Dashboard from limited access users under Settings > Company in the lefthand sidebar and then by clicking General Settings. 👍

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