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Dynamic Links / URLs

Learn how to incorporate merge fields into your links/urls in email and text templates to create dynamic links.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over 3 months ago

There are occasions when you will want to include links in your email or text templates or in the instructions on a task for your team to click on.

However, generic links aren't always good enough. Sometimes you may want the link to be customized to the owner, tenant, or property that you are working with at that time. (Like when a direct link includes an owner's name or the property address (say, to an owner portal or a link to the listing for a property).

In that case, set up the link in the template or instructions to have the link update automatically, using merge tags!

What are Merge Tags?

Merge tags will pull any needed information from the lead, process, owner, tenant, or property, into an email template or instructions on a task.

Here are some examples:

  • Owner First Name - {{owner.first_name}}

  • Property Street Address - {{property.street}}

  • Tenant Full Name - {{tenant.first_name}} {{tenant.last_name}}

  • Assignee Name - {{}}

  • Unit Lease End Date - {{unit.lease_end_date}}

  • Custom Fields (such as):

    • New Rental Rate

    • Offered Lease Length

    • Move In Date

There is an icon to add merge tags to your templates and instructions on the righthand side of the editor bar:

How to Format your Dynamic Links

When formatting your links, use the merge tags in the link. Make sure to keep the merge tags in their original format (use the "add merge tag" icon in the screenshot above), and remove all spaces from the link.

Here's an example:

Format the link in the body of the email. Then, to make it clickable, add it as a link.

Copy/paste the formatted link into the "link to web page" field. Make sure to add http:// before putting in the link.{{first_name}}&last_name={{last_name}}&address={{property_address}}

In the email, it would look like this:

You can also replace the text to display so you don't reveal the whole link.

And there you go, that's how to use dynamic links in your email and text templates and also in your task instructions.

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