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12: Email Templates

Learn how to add email templates to your processes, set which contact role to send to, and automate them.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over 11 months ago

Step 1: Creating an Email Template

1. First, navigate to the Email Templates page in the settings for your process type.

Then click "Add Template" at the top right of the page.

2. Next, add your template name and subject line. (Note that the template name is internal to LeadSimple and will only be seen by your team.)

3. Then, add your message body.

Notice the merge tags in the message below: {{property.street}}, {{owner.first_name}}, {{process.move_out_date}}. These will auto-populate with the property street, owner's name, and the move out date whenever this template is used.

To add these merge tags to your templates, use the shortcut at the far left of the editor bar (you don't have to remember how to type them out!)

4. Finish editing the message body

Using the editor bar, in addition to typical formatting options, you can also add photos, embed videos, and include attachments. πŸ‘

Now, hit save to save your template!

Step 2: Attaching an Email to a Workflow Step

Now that you've created an email template, you'll want to attach it to a step in the workflow. To do this, go into a stage and locate the email task you added earlier.

Click the email page icon on the right of the task to choose the template.

Then, search for your template and click on it to add it to the step.

Now your step has an email template attached! You can click on it to pull up and edit the template anytime if needed.

Step 3: Choose which Contact needs to Receive the Email

To choose the person this email is intended for, locate the email step in your workflow. Note that the default is for an email step to go to all contact roles, but in some cases you will only want the email to go to a certain contact role (such as tenants in this example).

Click on the drop down menu to pull up all the contact roles you added to this pipeline in a previous step and select the correct contact role. (If you don't have any options here, use this help article to add them.)

Step 4: Automate the Email

Now that the email template is attached and the contact role chosen for your email step, you can choose to set it to go out automatically, or leave it as a manual step that you will need to send out manually.

By default, every email step is a manual step. Click the lightning bolt on the right side of the task to set it to go out automatically.

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