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Tracking Workflow Usage

Learn how to tell if your agents are following your sales workflows.

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

A sales process is only effective if your agents follow it, so tracking whether they are following the workflow as it's defined is important. 

The easiest way to see if workflows are being followed by agents is to monitor overdue tasks. There are two places to view this.

1. Sorting the lead list by Task Due Date

In the lead list, click on the column header, "Next Action" to sort upcoming tasks for each lead by due date. Tasks that are overdue will appear in red. The older the overdue tasks are, the more likely a workflow isn't being followed for that lead.

You can further drill down by simultaneously applying a filter for the assignee to view task for a specific agent.

2. View Overdue Tasks From Tasks Page

From the tasks page, you can view tasks assigned to each agent. Tasks that are overdue will appear in red. The older the overdue tasks are, the more likely a workflow isn't being followed for that lead.

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