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Cloning Workflows and Processes

Learn how to clone a shared process from one of your colleagues into your LeadSimple account.

Written by Chris Winn
Updated over a week ago

Maybe a friend has shared their sales process with you, or you asked a property management Facebook group if anyone had recommendations on LeadSimple sales processes that they'd be willing to share. If you got a response in either case you should receive a link to a shared LeadSimple process.

You can also find our pre-built stages, workflows, and email templates in the Library in the lefthand sidebar in LeadSimple.

In this article, we'll learn how to clone that process into your LeadSimple account so you can start using it.

1. Open the Shared Workflow in the Library

First, navigate to the shared workflow link you received from your colleague. Depending on the case, this could be in your email inbox as a direct email from your colleague or an email from LeadSimple. If the link was sent to you via social media (e.g. Facebook group), click the link there. 

Log in to your account if you're prompted to do so.

If you are looking to add our preset workflows to your account, you will need to navigate to the Library in the lefthand sidebar and select the pipeline there.

This will open up a preview of the shared process in the Library.

At this point, you can click on a stage to view the workflow inside it. Note that you aren't able to view any templates or edit the process in preview mode. 

You can click on the "Email Templates" tab to see if any templates are included and read a snippet of the template to get an idea of its content.

2. Copy the Workflow into Your Library

Next, you'll want to copy the workflow into your Library so you can make any edits or changes before setting it live. To do this, click the "Copy into my Account" button at the top of the page.

This will create your very own copy of the workflow in your Library under Shared with Me.

You can then make any needed edits to the stages, workflows, and templates before setting the workflow live on your account.

Step 3: Set the Workflow Live!

Now that you've reviewed, edited, and customized the workflow, you can now set it live to use in one or more of your pipelines! First, navigate to the workflow in the Library under Shared with Me.

Then click Use This Process in the top right corner.

This opens another pop-up window which will walk you through the cloning process. 

A: Choose a Pipeline

The first step asks you which pipeline you want to clone this process into. For example, if the process you're cloning into your account is for owners, you would want to clone it into the "Owners" lead type. (You can also choose to create a new pipeline entirely.)

Step 2: Select the Stages to Import

Next, it will ask us what stages we want to import. You have the option of cloning in specific stages or all of the stages. Only the templates inside of the stages you choose to clone will be cloned into your account. In other words, if you choose "Select All" LeadSimple will clone in all the email templates in all of the stages, whereas if you select a specific stage, LeadSimple will only clone the templates in that stage.

Step 3: Decide what to do with Current Stages

Third, you'll need to decide what to do with the stages you currently have set up in your "Owners" lead type. You have the option to:

  1. Replace your existing stages with the new stages,

  2. or keep your existing stages alongside the new ones.

LeadSimple auto-suggest the stages you should replace if the name of the current stage in your account matches the name of one of the stages you're cloning into your account. Otherwise it will simply say "Keep".

CAUTION: If any of these stages contain automatic emails as part of a workflow, we recommend keeping all of your existing stages and cloning the new stages in alongside the old ones. That will leave the leads inside your existing stages without starting them on a new workflow that might send them emails that aren't relevant to them. You can then do a manually change to move the current leads into the new workflow as needed. You could also turn off all automation before cloning the workflows over.

Click "Next" to proceed to the final step.

Step 4: Confirm your Choices (IMPORTANT)

Lastly, you'll be asked to choose where existing leads should start in the new stages you're importing into your account.

NOTE: If there are automated emails set up inside the process you're cloning into your account, any leads who are merged into one of those stages may receive an email automatically. This could be damaging if the email isn't relevant to that lead. That said, you could turn off all automation in the new workflows before setting them live, or choose to move your leads manually into the new workflows.

  • "at the beginning of the new workflow" will start the leads at the beginning of the stage's workflow, generating the tasks for that workflow on each lead starting with the first one (just like it would if you put a lead in the stage manually).

  • "midstream, at the closest similar point" will start leads at the closest point in the workflow of the merge stage that they were at in the old stage. For example, you decide to delete the "New" stage which has leads in it and merge them into the "New Leads" stage which has a different workflow. One of those leads was on the third step in the "New" workflow so LeadSimple would put them at the third step of the "New Leads" workflow when you merge them.

If you chose to KEEP all of your existing stages instead of replacing them with the new ones, the option you select won't make a difference.

This will redirect you to the stages and workflows page in your account where you can view, edit, and manage your process as before. 

If you have any trouble with this or have any questions, please reach out to or use the chatbox in the bottom righthand corner of this page and the support team will help you out!

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