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Managing Email Templates

Learn how to create personalized email templates to automate your LeadSimple workflows.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

Managing Email Templates

Email templates are one of the most powerful weapons in your sales toolbox. They help increase the bar for quality and consistency of the emails being sent to prospects, while simultaneously lowering the bar for effort and creativity required to generate and send the emails so that anyone can easily send out timely, well-written follow-up emails. 

You can also create and send SMS templates in the same way by activating the Inbound Phone Numbers feature. Read this article for details on activating that feature.

Identifying Email Templates

When writing email templates, start with your most common and repetitive emails and work your way down. The more common the email the bigger the opportunity to optimize it and yield big results. For example:

  • Introduction Email

  • First Follow up

  • Second Follow up

  • Meeting Confirmation

  • Post Meeting Email

Some emails simply involve less personalization than others and are ripe targets for using as templates because of the ease with which the templates can be used and adapted.

You can also build out drip email campaigns with helpful educational content so you can build out a nurturing stage to touch cold leads and nurture them over a period of time.

Creating Templates

STEP 1: Create The Template

Click on the Settings icon in the upper right corner of the leads page. (Or click Settings > Lead Type Settings in the left sidebar.)

Then select the Email Templates page in the sidebar.

To add a new template, click the "+ ADD TEMPLATE" button in the top right. To edit a current template, just select it from the list.

STEP 2: Name The Template

Write a name for this template (this will not be visible to leads). 

The name will appear in the template list on the templates page as well as the drop-down selector when you are composing a new email.

STEP 3: Draft The Template

Let's draft an introduction email. We will use a standard reply to LeadSimple demo requests as an example.

Don't include an email signature here. Each user's signature is added before the email is sent.

STEP 4: Insert Merge Tags

Merge tags serve as a placeholder that will automatically insert specific information from the lead record.

For example, including the {{first_name}} merge tag will insert the lead's first name when you send the template.

You can insert a merge tag by clicking the bottom left icon which will open a list of options. Simply select the one you want and it will be inserted at the position of your cursor.

These are the default merge tags available, but you can add additional ones by creating custom fields:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Secondary Name

  • Phone

  • Email Address

  • Property Street

  • Property City

  • Property State

  • Property Zip Code

  • Assignee Name

  • Assignee Phone*

  • Your Company Name

In addition to the above, LeadSimple supports various merge tags in processes:

  • {{owners.first_name}}*

  • {{tenant.first_name}}*

*Note: To access contact role merge tags, you'll need to add contact roles to your process if you haven't already done so (see these videos for more information).

*Note: The phone number listed first on your user profile will be the number that populates in the Assignee Phone merge tag. If you want to be able to select which phone number is used in this merge tag, vote on this feature request.

Customize Defaults

You can give a default value for a merge tag. Just replace the word "default" with your chosen default.

Hi {{first_name | there}},

If the first_name field on a particular lead is blank, then "there" will be used instead. 

So, if the lead has a name, this tag will be filled like this:

Hi John,

But if the lead does not have a first name, the default value will be used:

Hi there,

STEP 5: Add Attachments

To add an attachment, click on the "Add Attachment" button at the bottom of the email template. This will open a file finder from which you can select one or more files.

Once the attachment is uploaded it will appear in a list at the bottom of the template editor.

Attachments can be removed by clicking the X icon on the right.

File size limit of 20 MB for uploads. It accepts common document and image formats.

STEP 6: Override the recipient by adding a custom recipient

You can override the recipient by adding a custom recipient to the template. This means that the template will be sent to your custom recipient email address and not to the lead/contact. This allows you to add emails (both automatic and manual) to your workflows to send to your team (such as a "Congratulations, we just signed a new property!" email).

To do this, click on the blue To, CC, BCC button on the top right of the email template editor.

Then, add your custom To address or addresses to the To Address field and save.

Now, this template will always go to the custom To Address(es) and not to the lead or contact. You can then add it as an auto-email to your Signed Contract stage to notify the whole team that you just signed a new property!

STEP 7: Sending Email Templates

Send An Email Template From the Lead's page

Go to a specific lead record and click on the Send Email button then click on the + Email Template button.

Then select the email template you want to insert. (Note that templates this lead has already received will be checked off.) You can sort the templates alphabetically, by recency, or by popularity.

After the email template is inserted you can edit it as needed before sending it.

Send a Template Email Associated With a Task

When you schedule a task for the future, you can associate an email template with it.

Select the template you want to attach.

Now, when you click on the task to complete it, the template will auto fill.

Once the email is sent out, the task will auto complete.

Sent a Template Email Automatically

Once you've attached an email template to an email task, you can set that email to go out automatically. This will also auto-complete the task.

You can also have an email template sent out automatically as a part of a workflow as well. Read more about that here.

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