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User Permissions for Processes

Learn how to give user(s) permission to processes and how you can limit their permissions.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

Just like with the sales pipelines, you can restrict the process types and settings users have access to.

Adding New Users for Processes

To invite a new user to LeadSimple and set their permissions, go to the Users page under Settings.

Click "Add User" and add their name as you would like it to appear in LeadSimple and their email address to send an invitation email to.

Click Send to send the invite. The user will then be able to click the invite link and set up their account with a password.

Managing User Permissions

Note: even if you are an admin, you cannot edit your own user permissions. You'll need another admin to edit them.

Once you've invited a user, you can then edit their permissions. Click on their user card to see the user details.

To navigate to the user card, go to settings, then Users.

Click on the user you want to edit permissions for:

You can then:

  • Set their time zone (if different than the default company time zone)

  • Add their phone numbers

  • Edit their signature

  • Edit their permissions

By default, the new user will be a limited access user, but you can give them full access by changing them to an admin.

Give them access to your sales pipelines or process types using the checkboxes in the righthand sidebar.

To edit a user's process permissions, scroll down until you see Process Permissions. Click on the process you'd like to edit permissions for:

Edit their permissions granularly for each pipeline/process type by clicking on it. This pulls up the list of permissions so you can choose which ones you want to activate/restrict for this user.

You can keep users from seeing processes assigned to others or restrict their ability to delete or export processes. You can also give/restrict access to the settings (stages/workflows, templates, and saved views) for that process type.

If a user doesn't have access to a certain pipeline/process type/setting, the page won't appear for them when they log into LeadSimple.

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