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8: Conditional Logic

How to add conditional logic to your processes.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

What is Conditional Logic?

Conditional Logic allows you to build a process that changes based on certain criteria about a property, owner, or tenant. Sometimes you will have steps that you only need to do part of time or only when certain criteria is met.


  • HOA onboarding steps for a property that has an HOA - you only want those to appear if the property has an HOA.

  • Email tasks to follow up with an applicant if their application is incomplete - you'll want to skip over that task if the application is complete.

  • Start the Work Order process if an inspection revealed necessary repairs - you'll want to skip this task if the inspection didn't reveal necessary work orders.

Of course there are plenty of other examples as well.

Adding Conditional Logic to a Workflow Step

1. To add conditional logic to a workflow step, locate the step in the stage that you would like to make conditional on certain criteria.

2. Click on the following icon on the righthand side of the task.

The first step is to choose the field this step should be conditional on. Typically this will be a custom field you've already added. If you haven't added it yet, do that before setting up the conditional logic.

3. After choosing the field, choose the value. The step will only appear when this value is true for this field, and will disappear when it no longer applies (if the value of the custom field were changed, for example).

Our example is a multiple choice field, so we can either choose the two multiple choice options we added, or simply whether the field is empty or has any value.

You can also set currency and number fields to look for a value between two numbers.

  • Looking for "greater than"? Set the greater than value in the minimum field (greater than 50 for example) and a large number in the maximum field (such as 100,000).

  • Looking for "less than"? Set 0 in the minimum field and the less than value (100 for example) in the maximum field.

4. Next, you can stack conditions if needed. Click "Add Condition" to add another condition to this step. You can use a different field or use the same one and set a different value.

5. Now, if you've added multiple conditions, decide whether you want the step to appear if any of the conditions are met, or if all of them must be met for the step to appear.

Now, when this task is about to be generated, the system will check the conditional logic first. If the conditions are met, the task will be generated.

If the conditions are not met (say the custom field above is marked as "Yes"), the task will not be generated.

Also, if the condition is no longer met (if the custom field value is changed), the task will disappear as it no longer applies.

Now, go add some conditional steps to your process!

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