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Custom Fields

Learn how to customize LeadSimple even further with custom fields for leads.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

With custom fields, you can make LeadSimple work exactly how you need it to for YOUR business. You can add completely new fields to a lead, process, or property to track the data that's most important to you.

How to Determine When & Where to add Custom Fields

LeadSimple has a lot of native fields already, most of which are populated by data synced from your property management software. However, you can add unlimited custom fields to LeadSimple to store any data you want, and then access that data to use in your email templates, task instructions, and conditional logic.

However, sometimes it can be confusing to know when and where to add a custom field. Here are some guidelines to help:

  • Sometimes the custom field will need to be in a multiple choice question/answer format (ie. Does the owner want to renew the lease with this tenant?). These can be used for conditional logic and to store information about a contact, property, or process.

  • Other times, it will be in a currency, link, or date format. These are most often used to store information, make tasks fall due relative to specific dates, or automatically include data in email templates.

You can add custom fields to contacts, properties, units, and processes. Here are some guidelines to decide where to put your custom field:

  • Only property and process custom fields can be used for conditional logic. (This is because contact custom fields can be different for each owner or tenant on a property.) So if you are planning to use this field for conditional logic, add it as a property or process custom field. (Add it to the property if it’s something that won’t change very often; add it to the process if it will change every time that process is run for that property.)

  • Is this field specific to one contact? (If there are multiple owners for this property, is this field different for each owner?) If so, this should be a contact custom field. (If not, add it to the property if it’s something that won’t change very often; add it to the process if it will change every time that process is run for that property.)

Creating a New Custom Field

Click on the Custom Fields link under Settings.

Scroll to the section you want to add the custom field to and click "Add Custom Field". New fields can be added to Contacts, Properties, Unit, Leads, and Processes.

Each field can store one of the following data formats:

  • Text (if you want to use the field for conditional logic or limit the choices available for the field, use the multiple choice format instead)

  • Number

  • Multiple Choice (Best choice for conditional logic)

  • URL / Website

  • Currency

  • Percentage

  • Date

  • Date & Time

Note: Once the type of data has been selected it cannot be edited later on, so choose carefully.

How to use Custom Fields

You can use custom field data in email templates, conditional logic in your processes, and custom dashboards. Check out these use cases:

Editing custom field data

Once the custom field has been created it can be filled out for each individual lead, contact, property, unit, or process directly from the lead or process page:

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