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5. How to Send Emails

Learn how to send emails from processes.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

You'll notice that an additional task that has appeared below this one. It is an email step, with a template attached. If you click on the email icon on the far right of the task, it will pull up the template.

Notice that merge tags that have been added to email templates will pull in info from the custom field.

A quick note about automatic emails:

Some emails and texts in a process will be set to go out automatically while others will need to be sent manually. Here's how to tell the difference.

Manual emails will be gray and look like this:

Automatic emails will have a lightning bolt to show they are set to go out automatically:

Automatic emails will go out automatically at their due date and time, while manual emails will need to be sent manually by clicking the green email button on the right hand side. Automatic emails will not show up in your task list, but will be visible on the process.

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