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Getting Started with Texting

Learn about pricing and how to activate the texting and inbound call tracking addon.

Matt avatar
Written by Matt
Updated over a week ago

In addition to email and outbound call tracking, LeadSimple also allows you to send/track text messages and receive/record inbound calls from leads.

Basically, this is done by provisioning a local phone number through LeadSimple, then assigning it to a user or multiple users who can then text or receive calls at that number. Those texts and inbound calls are tracked in LeadSimple.

Pricing - Growth/Operations Plans

On the Growth or Operations plans, you already have access to the texting/inbound calling feature at no additional cost! Phone numbers are $4/month each and text messages are 2.5¢ each. See what is included with each plan here.

Pricing - Get Organized, Compete, or Dominate

If you are one of our past plans (Get Organized, Compete, or Dominate), you have access to these features as an add-on to your current plan. The addon is $20/month and includes three phone numbers (you can purchase extra for $4 each). Text messages are 2.5¢ each.

You will need to navigate to the Billing page under Settings to activate the features.

Provisioning Your First LeadSimple Phone Number

The next step is to provision a number. LeadSimple provides two types of numbers: agent and shared numbers.

Agent numbers are meant to be personal numbers assigned to specific agents in your company, from which they can text and call leads.

Shared numbers can be used in two ways:

  1. Use them as a marketing number to be put on your website, direct-mail campaign or other form of marketing. Inbound calls will be routed to multiple agents, provided those agents are users in LeadSimple.

  2. Use them as shared numbers to manage your operational processes (on the Operations plan).

See the articles below on how to provision each type of number:

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