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4: Notifications for Teams

Learn how to set up notifications for large or small teams.

Aimee avatar
Written by Aimee
Updated over a week ago

Points to Remember

  • LeadSimple’s notifications are follow-up based, to maximize response times and overall conversion rates.

  • You can set up many different notification methods in LeadSimple. The ones we covered in this video are: Round Robin, Shark Tank, and Top Producer.

Action Items

  1. Admins - decide on the notification order that works best for you and get it set up on the Notifications & Routing page. Make sure to set up notifications for each of your lead types! And remember, these notifications can always be edited later.

  2. Non-admins - Note that you may not have access to manage the notifications and routing page. If you’d like access, please contact the admin on your account. (You do not need to be an admin to manage the notifications; you simply need to be given access.)

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