How to connect LeadSimple to your Property Accounting Software
How to Switch Property Accounting Systems Smoothly in LeadSimple
Can I Sync Specific Property Groups from my Property Management Software?
Detailed Overview Of Our Direct API Integration With AppFolio
How to set up your AppFolio to LeadSimple Integration
Syncing rental applicants from AppFolio to LeadSimple
How AppFolio data maps to LeadSimple
Why is my Delinquent Rent data not syncing from my AppFolio or Buildium Integration?
Does LeadSimple push data back to AppFolio?
What data syncs into LeadSimple from AppFolio for Rental Applicants?
Why do I have duplicate applicants in my pipeline with the AppFolio Integration?
Why Aren't My Owner Contracts Syncing from AppFolio?
Why Aren't My Property Groups Syncing Over from AppFolio?
Why Isn't My Contact Record Syncing to LeadSimple
Does LeadSimple apply prepaid rent to delinquent charges?
Why are my Applications getting stuck and not canceling out?